Below is an example of an enterprise agreement for an LLC with a member. Click the buttons below the document to view a full version of the chord or download an empty template. Click on the operating model for the DLC model to enlarge and read certain clauses. They should also review the case law to determine the potential pitfalls of a single-headed CLL. For example, courts in two states that generally favor single-headed LCs, Nevada and Wyoming, have recently ruled against single-headed LCs in certain situations. In September 2014 Case of In re Cleveland, the U.S. District Court in Nevada decided that a liquidator could manage the LLC instead of the sole owner. Two months later, in Greenhunter, Wyoming Supreme Court owned a Texas company that was the only member of Wyoming LLC to be liable for LLC`s debt. Trigger Events: No one wants to think about their own death or bankruptcy, but if you establish a single member LLC corporate agreement, it is necessary. This provision will lead to the fact that the sole-headed LLC will become available in the event of the owner`s death or bankruptcy. Without this provision, the sole LLC could be forced to dissolve if the owner dies, even if there is someone who is willing to act as a manager or owner.

A corporate agreement for LLC with a member can also help the owner define the day-to-day direction of the business and explain an executive`s responsibilities and powers. An LLC corporate agreement with a member is your protection as an owner against lawsuits and possible liability. Here are some ways to take advantage of LLC`s corporate agreement with an LLC member. The importance of a multi-member OPERATing agreement from LLC may be more obvious, but that does not mean that a corporate agreement is less important for LLC with a single member. Management: This section is particularly important for an S.A.R.L., managed by someone other than the owner. Clearly define the manager`s powers, rights and responsibilities and indicate how the manager is selected or promoted. You can also specify who will be the interim manager when the manager is no longer available. The membership voting rules are set out in your California LLC`s enterprise agreement. If you use the model for a member-managed LLC below, the voting rights are proportional to the percentages of property LLC.

Therefore, if the enterprise agreement requires a “majority vote,” members (or members) who hold 50% or more are the “majority” and can vote on decisions.