To set the pause criteria at the KPI level, in the Displayed Pause Conditions section, follow these steps: After creating a service plan, we can set the response level that we expect. Our PMIs can be based on two metrics: the first response time and the resolution time. Essentially, we need to determine what success or failure means for each of these actions and what actions should be taken when a CCP is about to be missed or has not been respected. Let`s look at a scenario in which priority cases need to be resolved within 1 business day and normal cases and low priority cases within 3 business days. Once all the weekly schedule information is complete, select Save and Close. If your organization needs more than one service plan, simply repeat steps 3 through 5. After the weekly plan is fully configured, it looks like this: Define the level of service or support that your organization wants to offer to a customer by using service level agreements (SLAs) in Dynamics 365 Customer Service. You can include detailed elements to define key performance indicators (KPIs) to achieve this service level. KPIs will help you receive timely alerts on issues your customer control team may have. To create workflows for SLAs to apply automatically, talk to your customer service managers, administrators, or customizers. More information: Create and edit workflow processes Service level agreements are important not only in customer service, but also for distribution and marketing, to ensure effective lead management from start to finish. 1 The time available to the operations team to provide a number of services defined in the Service Level Agreement.

Opening time. Select a set of customer service calendar data that defines the hours of operation for your support organization. This is useful for SLA time recording calculations. If no business time data set (customer service plan) is selected, work schedules are considered all day, every day. Suppose the XYZ helpdesk needs to create a new service level agreement for a customer (Frosty Ltd.) in order to respond and resolve priority cases within the specified timeframe. If you do not want to use SLAs system-wide, you can disable SLAs at the organization level instead of having to disable each SLA. This happens on the Service tab in the system settings by setting the Disable SLA option to yes. The error and warning time is calculated after taking into account the selected business hours in the SLA dataset. If no data set on the time of activity (after-sales service plan) is selected, the working hours are considered full-time, every day. The above SLA is configured for an after-sales service agent to see a warning when a first response is not sent within 30 minutes of the case being resolved and an error if the case is not resolved within an hour. This only applies to priority cases, as shown in the figure below. Assuming a high-priority case is selected and partially resolved by XYZ Company`s after-sales service agent, but there are only a few issues to resolve with Frosty Ltd.

The customer service agent waits for the customer`s response so that the case and the SLA can be frozen and not taken into account in the SLA calculations until the customer responds and the SLA can continue. On the one hand, SLAs are the first step to creating key performance indicators (KPIs) and then tracking performance from these PCCs. Of course, your support employees simply see KPIs as a timer on registration forms that indicate the time remaining up to (or the time elapsed since) of the time required (or allocated) to respond to a support request. On the other hand, SLAs can also allow CRM users to stop the KPI timer based on the status reason of the support request….